Uncategorized 3 Ways a Lack of Intimacy Affects Your Body

3 Ways a Lack of Intimacy Affects Your Body

Lack of intimacy is something many people in a relationship will experience. It can happen for a variety of reasons that might not have anything to do with how you feel about your partner. If you decide to ignore it, it could create a divide between the two of you and may even lead to a breakup.

A small 2001 study found that a lack of intimacy can also take a toll on your mental health. According to the findings, people who stop having sex are more prone to anxiety, stress, and anger. Over time, they may even develop the symptoms of depression. Here are three more ways how a lack of intimacy affects your body.

1. Your Blood Pressure Goes Up

When you’re intimate with your partner, your body produces endorphin, the “happiness” hormone. But without it, you’ll be more prone to stress and anxiety. As a result, your blood pressure may rise, thus increasing your risk of related health complications.

2. Your Risk of Heart Disease Increases

According to one study, men who have sex less often are more at risk of suffering from heart disease. After all, intimacy is a form of exercise, and exercise is good for your coronary health. What’s more, if low sex drive is the reason for your lack of intimacy, it may even be a warning sign of an ongoing heart disease.

3. You Could Also Experience ED

Some studies have found that a lack of intimacy may also increase your risk of experiencing ED. Their results show that men who have sex once a week are less prone to this problem than those who don’t do it as often. The authors point out that the penis is a muscle, so the more often you exercise it, the better your performance will be.

Final Word

If there’s a lack of intimacy in your relationship, you should do something about it. Work together with your partner to find a solution to this problem. It’s important not only for your relationship but also for your health.

