Uncategorized 5 Things You Should Know About Ingrown Facial Hair

5 Things You Should Know About Ingrown Facial Hair

Having an ingrown hair can be a nuisance, especially if it’s on a visible place like your face. However, if you educate yourself, you can learn how to prevent them and make sure they become a rare occurrence. Here are some things you should know about ingrown facial hair.

How Do They Happen?

An ingrown hair in the beard is usually a result of wet shaving, especially if it’s done on a daily basis. When you cut your hair too close to the skin, it becomes weak and bends under the skin instead of breaking through it.

How Do You Recognize Them?

You can detect an ingrown hair by recognizable lumps and bumps on the skin. These usually look red and irritated and they can be warm to the touch. Sometimes they’ll even have a white head like a pimple.

How Do You Remove Them?

Most ingrown facial hairs will come out on their own. You can wait for a couple of days and see if the swelling is reducing. Alternatively, you can also pluck the hair out with tweezers if it’s clearly visible. Just don’t try to squeeze it, as that could make the infection worse.

Can You Prevent Them?

Ingrown hairs can easily be prevented. Try using an electric razor instead of wet shaving. You should also avoid cutting the hair too short and shaving against the grain.

Should You Use Medication?

If you have problems with recurring ingrown facial hair, you can get a lotion like Exmol or Dermol. They will help reduce the inflammation.

Can You Prevent Them?

Ingrown hairs can easily be prevented. Try using an electric razor instead of wet shaving. You should also avoid cutting the hair too short and shaving against the grain.


So, there you have it – the most important things you need to know about ingrown facial hair. Prevent them by shaving carefully and monitor them closely if they show up.

