Relationships 5 Ways to Tell You Need to Up Your Game

5 Ways to Tell You Need to Up Your Game

Men are constantly looking for ways to improve their performance. If you can’t read all the signs or you’re simply not sure if you’re doing the right things, here are some telltale signs you’re not good in bed.

You Don’t Cuddle

Sure, we all love our space. Especially during the summer when our time under the sheets becomes hot and sweaty, cuddling becomes all that more challenging. However, a study by the University of Toronto – Mississauga found that successful relationships and cuddling go hand-in-hand.

You Don’t Ask Her What She Likes

A lot of guys think that asking a girl what she likes is a sign of insecurity or inexperience. On the contrary – this can show you care about her pleasure, and it can lead to a better experience for the both of you.

You Skip Foreplay

Even though the myth that men don’t like foreplay has been debunked, there are still a lot of guys out there who don’t find it all that important. However, sex is a largely mental experience for women, so quality foreplay can go a long way towards increasing her pleasure.

You’re not Addressing Your Problems

Some of the most common signs you’re not good in bed come from the inability to address obvious problems you might have. Problems with premature ejaculation or ED can be managed a lot easier if you address them maturely and let your partner know the problem has nothing to do with them.

She Doesn’t Make a Sound

Some women are quiet in bed, but a woman that is enjoying whatever you’re doing will usually make some noise. Especially if she’s silent after the fact, you might have reasons for concern.


If you notice any of these signs you’re not good in bed, talk to her and see what you can do better. There is no shame in trying to understand your partner so you can both have the best experience possible.

