Uncategorized Low Testosterone Might Lower Your Risk of Prostate Cancer

Low Testosterone Might Lower Your Risk of Prostate Cancer

We all know that testosterone is one of the most important hormones in male bodies – it regulates our sex drive, promotes muscle growth, and affects our behavior. Some studies even show that testosterone levels may be important for our heart health. But, recent studies are looking into the role testosterone plays in the growth of cancerous cells, especially in prostate cancer.

So, what is the connection between testosterone and prostate cancer?

The Role of Testosterone in Cell Growth

It is known that androgens (testosterone and dihydrotestosterone) promote the growth of prostate cancer cells. In some men, having naturally high levels of androgens may contribute to prostate cancer risks. Furthermore, hormone therapy, also known as androgen suppression or androgen deprivation therapy, is one of the most popular treatments for prostate cancer.

Low Testosterone and the Risk of Prostate Cancer

On the other hand, research shows that low levels of testosterone may decrease the risk of prostate cancer. An Oxford study presented at the National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) Cancer Conference examined how the connection between testosterone and prostate cancer works.

The study included over 19,000 participants aged between 34 and 76 years old and showed that the group with the lowest testosterone levels was 20 percent less likely to develop the disease as they reached late adulthood. Surprisingly, the study also found that the men in this group are 65% more likely to develop an aggressive form of prostate cancer, if they do end up having the condition.

Final Word

Although this discovery doesn’t help with prostate cancer treatment, it has greatly contributed to our understanding of the link between testosterone and prostate cancer. It opens the door to more studies in this field and helps us understand how prostate cancer progresses.

