5 Healthy Foods That Damage Your Heart

5 “Healthy” Foods That Damage Your Heart

There’s no shortage of foods that are marketed as “healthy” with all kinds of bold promises. But many aren’t just less healthy than claimed, they...
red beet juice for muscle growth

Can This Red Vegetable Improve Your Athletic Performance?

Devoted bodybuilders take great care of their diet and are always on a lookout for healthy muscle building foods. And, while protein-rich foods like lean meats and...
gain muscle while fasting

Can You Gain Muscle While on a Fasting Diet?

Although fasting is usually linked to weight loss, one recent trend suggests that you can use a particular type of fasting to gain muscle. The type of...
muscular men need more protein

Do Muscular Men Really Need More Protein?

If you’re into bodybuilding, you probably consider your calories, carbs, fat, and protein very important. When talking about protein, many bodybuilders like to point out one simple...
foods you should avoid if you have BPH

5 Foods You Should Avoid If You Have an Enlarged Prostate

Although it’s not a serious medical condition, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) can be worsened if you don’t take care of your diet. Here are some foods you...
best foods for prostate

5 Foods You Should Eat to Keep Your Prostate Healthy

As we get older, it’s not uncommon for men to develop an enlarged prostate. And, although BPH isn’t a very dangerous condition, it can be a source...
foods that can cause body odor

4 Foods That Can Cause Body Odor in Men

Fighting with B.O. (Body Odor) can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. There are times when you can do everything right – take a shower, groom, and...
vitamin D and erectile dysfunction

This Essential Vitamin Could Help Improve Your Love Life

Dubbed “the sunshine vitamin”, vitamin D is one of the most essential micronutrients in the human diet. It’s crucial for healthy bones, helps regulate diabetes, and can...
health benefits of teff

A Little-Known Superfood All Men Should Add to Their Diet

With gluten-free grains like quinoa and millet experiencing an increase in popularity, we are slowly discovering the many health benefits of these foods. For example, quinoa is...
foods men should avoid

5 Foods Men Should Avoid If They Are Over 50

Eating all foods in moderation is never a bad choice, but some foods should have no place in a healthy diet. Although you don’t need to cut...