Relationships Seize the Moment: Make Daily Appreciation Part of Your Ritual

Seize the Moment: Make Daily Appreciation Part of Your Ritual

Showing appreciation not only has a positive effect on others, it can improve your own happiness as well. So don’t you think you should make daily appreciation part of your ritual? It is totally free and easier than you think.

What Appreciation Can Do

Author and happiness researcher Shawn Achor found that if you write down things for which you are grateful 21 days in a row, it will markedly improve your optimism, and this effect can last up to 6 months.

Scientific studies on the effect of appreciating your loved one tend to exaggerate by measuring the effect on sick individuals. This is perhaps to obtain more positive results (easier to get funding this way), but the results readily extend to healthy people.

A 2017 study published in the Journal of Health Psychology involves chronically ill spouses and their partners. After 7 consecutive days of appreciative support, the partner perceived increased happiness and wellbeing in their chronically ill spouses. In the reverse group, after receiving the support for 7 days, the sick spouses reported less physical symptoms, and as a result, their partners who provided the support also felt better.

The Healing Effect of Appreciation

It is inevitable that over time we have done things to offend our loved ones. Showing appreciation can undo these, although it might take a bit of effort. Professors of psychology John and Julie Gottman’s study found that it took five positive statements to undo the ill effects of one negative.

Effects on Employees

If you’re an employer or manager, showing appreciation to your employees or underlings can lift your engagement, build trust, and even inspire higher effectiveness and innovation. By the same token, it’s a good way to let people know your preferences, and it can improve employee retention.

Can you see? It’s all good to make daily appreciation part of your ritual.

